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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 02/12/13
Harbor Master Town of Mount Desert
PO Box 237
Northeast Harbor, Maine  04662
Phone 207-276-5737                                                                        E-mail:
Fax 207-276-5741

February 12, 2013
Meeting held in
*****Northeast Harbor****

A.      Call to Order at 4:30 p.m.

B.      B.        Approve minutes from December 11, 2012 MMC Meeting. Motion to approve by BROMAGE, second by HAYNES. Motion carried.
      C.       New Business

1.      1.      Discussion about commercial dock users 3 year evaluation DHM LeMoine stated that there has been no complaints about any commercial dock users and that they all have supplied everything required of them to operate of the commercial dock.

2.      Review potential openings created by USCG passenger inspection limits for current commercial dock users. Chairman Savage explained to the MMC how the new inspection worked and that some boats lost passengers under the new test and some lost for not taking the test. The group asked DHM LeMoine to get numbers from 2012 and 2013 to see what the number of passengers that were lost and what is now available for the next meeting.

3.      Andrew Keblinsky with request to operate from commercial dock in Northeast Harbor. Andrew told the group that he would like to run a scheduled trip from Southwest Harbor with bike trips with 20 to 25 people with his boat Hurricane. If that was not available he would like to run a 6 pack boat as a water taxi. Andrew also told the group that they might as well have his $500.00 dollars to because he was already doing it off the public dock. Chairman Savage told Andrew to come back with a more detailed plan to the next meeting.  
5.      D.      General Issues  Questions to DHM LeMoine about how the marina and other harbors faired through the storm. Also questions about the bids for the replacement of the north dock floats and the bids that are out for the replacement of the floats at Bartlett’s harbor and the replacement of the commercial dock in Northeast Harbor.

    E.  Old Business
   F.  Discussions
   G.  Adjournment: Motion by BROMAGE, second by HAYNES, so moved at 17:50.

Submitted by:
John LeMoine
Deputy Harbormaster